If you've decided that you feel like you aren't doing your part to save the environment and want to help, in any way you can, no matter how big or small the impact is, then you've come to the right place. We're all about providing information on how to live a more eco-friendly lifestyle. Whether it's riding a bike to work instead of driving your car or using re-useable materials when building your new home addition, there's plenty of ways you can help make the world a better place to live in right now for yourself and for future generations.
This article will be focusing on eco-friendly products that you can use in your home or office that will help make the environment a safer and better place to live in. There are a ton of eco-friendly items that are made out of reusable and recycle items that you can use in your home, either for cleaning projects or building projects or for general, everyday use.
You can buy jewelry made out of recycled items, there are organic fruit bags that are reusable, stainless steel snack sets that you can use when packing your child's lunch everyday, and there are body care products such as sunscreen and nail polish that are made without chemicals. Pretty much whatever product you need in your home or office will have eco-friendly alternative version of it available.
Does your office do a high volume of printing? Why not buy ink that's soy based? Do you do a lot of traveling and aren't sure if the hotel you'll be staying at are eco-friendly? Then bring along any items you need such as natural cleaners, energy efficient nightlights and Smartstrip surge protectors. Having those items on you at all times will ensure you are still living the eco-friendly lifestyle while away from your home.
There was a time when bamboo hardwood floors, Hybrid cars, "Green" water saving kits, rechargeable vehicle lights, biodegradable golf tees, compostable toothbrushes, and PVC-free shower curtains, just to name a few, didn't exist. Not only do each and every one of those products, and many, many more, exist, they're also very popular and used quite frequently. Many people are choosing to use more earth friendly products like paints that contain little or no VOCs. It's not hard living a "green" lifestyle when so many eco-friendly products are available.
Do you want more ways to make your home more eco friendly? Visit Housebeautiful.com